Why Mid-week Single-parent Visits Stink and What You Can Do About It
Any single-parent who has ever had to deal with mid-week visitation knows that they can be experiences from Hell — for all involved. It is like trying to play eighteen holes of golf when you only have time for nine. It can work, but it is really ugly and the entire...

Are You Disclosing Too Much Information To Your Kids?
One thing that many parents get wrong when going through a divorce is disclosing too much information to their kids. I am referring mainly to details involving the shortcomings of the other parent. For many of the same reasons as to why you should not criticize the...
Single-Parenting Challenge: Spending More Time With Your Kids
One of the most common laments I hear from parents after divorce is the loss of quality time with their kids. That is understandable. The time they had with their kids is reduced, whether they are the custodial parent or not. While this challenge is...

Should You Take Off Your Wedding Ring?
Guest post by Vince Frese. Visit his blog at vincefrese.com for more articles and insights. When (or if) to take off your wedding ring is an interesting question. There are many different perspectives, for sure. Here's mine: I remember very well the words...

Essential Key to Recovering from Divorce: The Catholic Faith
Guest post by Vince Frese. Visit his blog at vincefrese.com for more articles and insights. The alarm clock started the usual morning routine by blaring its obnoxious tone. In my stupor, I fumbled for it and finally made it shut up. I was unusually tired, having had a...

Essential Key to Recovering from Divorce: Prayer
Guest post by Vince Frese. Visit his blog at vincefrese.com for more articles and insights. Before my divorce, I usually only prayed at Mass on Sundays and before meals. Once my divorce hit, it seemed like I was praying all the time. Well, that is, if you consider...

Essential Key to Recovering from Divorce: Get Support
Guest post by Vince Frese. Visit his blog at vincefrese.com for more articles and insights. I vividly remember a day, about three months into my divorce, driving to my counselor’s office. I remember it because I was feeling so emotionally crushed. I had been battling...

Essential Key to Recovering from Divorce: Communicate
Guest post by Vince Frese. Visit his blog at vincefrese.com for more articles and insights. A feeling of relief washed over me as my cellphone began to ring. I could tell from the Caller-ID that it was an international number. My brother was working over in Italy, and...

Essential Key to Recovering from Divorce: Self
Guest post by Vince Frese. Visit his blog at vincefrese.com for more articles and insights. It was about two months into my divorce and I was at the grocery store picking up a few things to feed the kids. I was not in there for me, as I was not very hungry. In fact, I...

Essential Key To Recovering from Divorce: Focus
Guest post by Vince Frese. Visit his blog at vincefrese.com for more articles and insights. It was late one October evening and I was in my basement office. All my kids were sound asleep. Their mother was out — again. This had become part of a distinct pattern over...